Raw material qualification

Raw material qualification at Siegwerk is incorporated within a worldwide introduction process that is steered by our global PSR (Product Safety + Responsibility) team. Accordingly, each raw material to be used for our printing inks is run through a stringently defined process prior to being purchased or used in formulations. The raw material suppliers must first be qualified. In a further step, detailed questionnaires on the specific requirements of particular raw materials have to be answered.

As a prerequisite, they have to verify that the raw materials are neither toxic, reprotoxic, mutagenic nor carcinogenic. Furthermore, they have to provide evidence about fulfillment of strict purity criteria with regard to e.g. heavy metals in pigments. Each raw material needs to pass this raw material qualification process successfully before it is given a unique Siegwerk code. Only after this the raw material may be used for the formulation of our products.

  • Siegwerk’s global raw material introduction process

    Environment, health and consumer protection – the raw material is the start of it all. Learn more about our worldwide raw material qualification process.

    Raw material qualification
    Success factors for highest possible product safety

    With consumer safety as key priority, we have established a comprehensive raw material introduction process. It is based on a centrally coordinated approval via our global PSR team and operated on a worldwide basis:

    With this qualification process we strive to achieve full knowledge about the chemical composition of all raw materials intended for nutrition, pharma and hygiene (NPH) applications. Furthermore, the process shall ensure an efficient introduction of new raw materials or existing materials for new applications.

    Supplier qualification

    Our suppliers must first of all be qualified. During our global approval process, which is based on data received via the Siegwerk Raw Material Approval Form, we request and assess information on:

    • Compliance with exclusion criteria (e.g. carcinogenics, mutagenics, repro-toxics, toxics)
    • Compliance with our stringent purity standards (e.g. heavy metals, dioxins, primary aromatic amines)
    • Compliance with chemical registration in each applicable region
    • Composition data for NPH applications

    These standards go far beyond legal requirements and are success factors for highest possible product safety.

    Formulation guideline

    The approval criteria for raw materials that are used in the production of printing inks for food packaging are particularly stringent. Top priority here is compliance with the relevant provisions on consumer protection with respect to the packaged food. To achieve the best possible control over the use of raw materials in the variety of possible formulations, we have developed a detailed internal formulation guideline that encompasses our extensive knowledge on raw materials.

    Using a traffic light system, we provide recommendations on raw materials to colleagues around the world that are ultimately responsible for developing our printing inks. This ensures that our packaging inks only include raw materials that have been thoroughly checked beforehand.

    Global Siegwerk code

    Once the particular raw material has passed the qualification process successfully, we assign a unique Siegwerk code to it. This is the official authorization for purchasing and afterwards using the raw material in the formulation of our printing inks. If there are any doubts, however, we reserve the right to reject raw materials or perform our own analytical testing. Following clear, internally defined rules, supplier audits are a further tool for validation of the raw material portfolio. All these processes guarantee the safety of our printing inks and enable the customer to manufacture a finished product that meets the legal requirements.

  • Raw Material Approval Form

    The raw material approval form specifies Siegwerk’s requirements on the type of usage (NPH vs. non-NPH) and type of materials (e.g. pigments, dyes resp. binders, solvents etc.). It is globally valid, and the supplier commits himself to the information submitted via signature.

  • Requirements for pigments

    The core objective is the identification of all components in pigments (dispersants, additives, binders) for NPH (Nutrition, Pharma & Hygiene) applications. Questions are raised on the use of specific substances or categories of substances as well as on NIAS.

  • Requirements for binders

    The main objective here is a 100% breakdown of all components for NPH applications, e.g. reacted polymers, monomers, aids to polymerization as well as all other additives and ingredients. The requirements on vinyl chloride and tin organic catalysts are particularly strict.

  • Contact us

    Do you have any questions? Do not hesitate to contact our food packaging ink experts.

    Contact us


Raw material qualification
White paper (PDF, 140 KB)